This document explains where to find instructions on how to clear cache and cookies in most popular web browser versions.

Desktop Web Browsers

Clearing the browser cache prevents you from using old/out-of-date versions of websites and protects your personal information. It also helps running some applications better on your computer by freeing up space.

Note: Make sure you set the Time Range to the "All Time" or "Everything" options when available to clear all data.

Table with browser name and links to Windows documents and macOS documents.

Windows Document LinkmacOS Document Link
Google ChromeGoogle ChromeChrome (Win) - Clearing Cache and CookiesChrome (Mac) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
FirefoxFirefoxFirefox 57+ (Win) - Clearing Cache and CookiesFirefox 21+ (Mac) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
SafariSafariSafari (Win) - Clearing Cache and CookiesSafari 10.0.1+ (Mac) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
Microsoft EdgeMicrosoft EdgeEdge (Win) - Clearing Cache and CookiesNone
OperaOperaOpera (Win) - Clearing Cache and CookiesOpera 28.0 (Mac) - Clearing Cache and Cookies
New Microsoft Edge logoNew Microsoft EdgeNew Edge (Win 10, 8, 7, MacOS) - Clearing Cache and CookiesNew Edge (Win 10, 8, 7, MacOS) - Clearing Cache and Cookies